Blog Fun

3 Day Quote Challenge – Atlas Shrugged

Hey guys! So I was nominated by the lovely Krysten to complete this three day quote challenge! Thank you Krysten for thinking of me. Sorry it’s taken so long to participate in the challenge! I’ve actually been thinking about what quotes I would use for a while now. But I wanted to wait until NaNoWriMo was over so I could really dedicate myself to it. Trying to come up with my top three is harder than I thought it would be! But I love quotes so I’m happy to participate.

The rules for the challenge are:

-Thank the person nominating you for the challenge.

-Post a quote on your blog for 3 consecutive days.

-Invite 3 of your favorite Bloggers to join the challenge

There is no obligation to participate!

My nominees are:


Margaret Langridge

Devika’s Desktop

My first quote is a little long. But I think it has an awesome story behind it. I was re-reading Atlas Shrugged when we found out that I was pregnant with Atlas. I’ll admit that the first time I read this book I finished it and still had no idea why it was called Atlas Shrugged. But when I was pregnant with Atlas, I found this quote and that’s when I realized that Atlas had to be his name.

Pastel Carousel | 3 Day Quote Challenge | Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

When we decided to use Atlas as our son’s name, the first thing that my husband said was “I can’t wait to teach him how to shrug.” And now that he’s two years old he shrugs ALL OF THE TIME. We didn’t even teach him that! Which I think is awesome. Not so awesome when I’m asking him a question and he just shrugs at me, but you know! It’s definitely one of my favorite quotes.

Pastel Carousel | 3 Day Quote Challenge | Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

I’ll be back tomorrow with another quote so stay tuned!

Let’s keep in touch! I follow back!

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